Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Vedeo Game Playing

Video Game playing is becoming almost a joke in our house. The moment we get irritated with the kids, we take away their privileges, which means we take the controls and hide them. The rule is that they can only play an hour or two on the weekends, but if we don't say anything there is no stopping them. The last weekend in November, they played all day, virtually non-stop. So I them that they have played enough to cover December so they won't be able to play this month.

Needless to say, they were not too happy. My older son comes to me - knowing that we are anxious for him to get his grades up, and says, "Mom, now that we have lost the PS2, I really don't feel I have anything to motivate me to do my work." At this point, I wasn't sure whether to burst out laughing or to go into a lecture, so of course I did both. What ever happened to the motivation of actually receiving a good grade? I have to appreciate their creativity for trying to get it back - though some what misguided. They eventually relented and don't mention video games anymore. I imagine that will change in January.

As for motivation, video games is a lousy idea, at least in our house. Any time we have a "carrot" for completing their work, the kids usually end up rushing through their homework and are very reluctant to receive feedback for corrections.


Lakshmi said...

I know exactly what you mean. In fact I gave up policing this long ago. A&S are not allowed to play during normal days period. The only time they are allowed is during extended break. Summer doesn't count since they go to camp.
S thought I'd sold their system on ebay. A almost believed it!
On holiday breaks, D -my husband-ends up playing with them.. I try my hand sometimes too.. so it is more fun for them.
This seems to work for us.. but creates another problem.
A is jumping up and down to go over to places where he knows the kids have a free rein on these systems. So.. I end up becoming a hermit and go as far as declining multiple invites for evenings out.
I feel such a minority when a lot of parents don't seem to have a problem with it. It may be A's personality that makes it such a problem for us. If he goes out to play at another kid's house, I can guarantee that the next day is an "Attitude day". He even acknowledges it.

Lakshmi said...

been planning a topic on motivation. stay tuned.