Friday, January 25, 2008

Jealosy? Don't think so..

We just celebrated my older one's birthday a few days ago. He had a swim meet he had to go to that afternoon, so D took him, while I stayed home with the younger one to glare at him if he took his eyes off his kumon.
The younger one had been begging to go to the library.. so I took him after stopping at Kumon to drop off his work. He began negotiating how many books he was allowed to take etc. the minute he got in the car. At the library, I puttered around the used books while S went about getting his books. After a while, I wandered over to find him deep into a book, and he had two more in front of him... I sighed in relief, prematurely as it turns out. He had a big stack on his side!!
Anyway.. I gave my usual warning about not reading in the car, lest he spoil his eyesight etc etc. As we left the library, I asked S if we could stop at Classic to pick up a cake for his brother. He wanted to be dropped off at home before I went on my own.. But, I protested, we are half-way there! Why don't you want to go along?
Because.. he seemed to think for a moment and then brightly announced.. I'll get Jealous!, that's why. Please, could you drop me off at home??
Jealous! Him! He is the most unambitious kid I've come across (much more than me, that's saying something)
I later realized that poor boy figured out he'd get into trouble were he to tell me he needed to get back to his book! Boy! can he think on his feet!


Anonymous said...

That's sweet! But You must encourage your son to read... Its so rare to see kids read these days!

Lakshmi said...

Ideally I agree. But practically, it's tough getting stuff done before bedtime. between subject homework, writing, music practice, sports, hobbies..
I don't want to stretch out bedtime since i need the sleep (and they do better with a consistent bed routine).
I think a lot of kids dont read because parents do not have time to read themselves esp. when kids don't have to be read to. Or access to a wide variety of books is limited in the name of "managing clutter".
There are days when I feel overwhelmed with the books we keep buying or bringing home from the library.

Sujatha said...

My kids love to read before bed but for some reason they won't read any other time. And if I ask them to, they throw the school recommendation at me, "The Teacher says we only have to read for 20 minutes." Personally, when I read, it takes me that long to truly get engrossed in a book. I would hate to have to put it down at that time.

Lakshmi said...

I've told the school that the 20 minute rule is silly. But, they figure it is better than nothing. Raising that mandate would have parents screaming saying "no time", activities etc etc.
I've always ignored the charts they send home - free pizza if you read 20 min etc. We don't even participate in the library summer reading program. I just expose them to a variety of books and recently magazines. The initial interest in Time seems to have waned :(
The flip side is while reading is desirable (as it math).. too much emphasis cannot be placed on reading. Some kids don't read, but become experts in their field when they grow up. Some kids would rather paint/draw.. as long as they do what the enjoy..