My older son has been wanting to work to get paid for the past few years.
He had gone through various iterations of this since he was young.
He had a lawn mowing business when he was only 6 years old. My neighbors would give him whatever change they had in the pockets.. sometimes a lot.
He took orders from my relatives for a wood table he was going to build for them -custom made.
He charged less than the material we had to buy, but then it wasn't his money buying the material. He made 100% profit! I soon put an end to the carpentry business since he was soon wanting to buy power tools so he could bump of the quantity of orders. I didn't trust a 10 year old with a power saw!
He then made flyers for a pet sitting business until I put my foot down - my opinion being pets are outside, we are inside.
He wanted to do the paper route. Knee jerk reaction from me -the speed bump- was "no". I am not getting up at 3am to drive you around. He then says, he would bike around. I don't see how that would work in a big city like ours.
Yesterday, he approached his kumon instructor, wanting to work there.. Poor lady, she was put on the spot, but she said she would think about it. To him, this sounded better than what he has been hearing from me.. So he now thinks he has a job!
On my way back, I talked to him about the slippery road he was riding on - both physically and metaphorically speaking last nite :) , how his studies would get affected etc etc. He goes, "aw.. no one cares about your grade if you're a millionaire!" What!! How does one get a million $$ with a "lemme think about it job at kumon!" Definitely this kid is not wanting in the "dreaming department".
He has asked for an allowance -firmly refused - off and on.. but hasn't been persistent. So, I know it is not the money that is the motivation! It is the Independence or the wanting to test waters at work.
Others that know him well have asked me not to slow him down -Americans mind you. This is definitely not an Indian mentality. I suppose that is how Michael Dells are made while Brahminis like me think about what we need to cook for dinner that nite.
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I have a tough time with letting them spend money on this they want like football cards, video games, etc. So we let them accumulate it, via gifts, odd jobs and such, but then restrict them on spending it. My younger son, is quite shrewd with his account and keeping it above a certain level. My older son thinks he has a good amount of money from his Upanayana but it is useless since he can't touch it. Though we did let him contribute to charity from it. So he has no desire to accumulate more, since there is no point, he can't spend it. My parents never believed in allowance, but would consider paying for things they felt I needed or deserved. They let me have more freedom with money, once I got a job which was when I was about 16. I liked that approach - and have tried to use the same with my kids. Though I wonder if my Dad thinks differently now, since he likes to give the kids money when they do work in my parent's house.
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