My kids have been bullied some. The older one acts tough and can get pretty aggressive when messed with, so he is not typically a target. And he can bully his younger brother once in a while, when I am not around.
Boys tend not to share the fact they are being targeted with their parents. Some signs that the kid is being bullied include:
- not wanting to go to school
- coming back home later, after other kids have left
- walking when a school bus is available
- not wanting to go to lunch period
- unexpected wounds, which he is unwilling to explain etc.
It is interesting to see how bullying has changed over the years. There was an article in this weekend's paper - a child and his sibling were being bullied and finally the child had it and threatened the bully that he was going to get a gun a shoot him. This child was suspended from school for threatening to use a gun.
In a sense these are kids who are experiencing the growing up process. But with the impetuous behavior classic with the youth and weapons, I'm glad schools have started to address this issue, even if to say "cut out the gun talk".
The problem is easy access to weapons and the spate of recent school shootings are making authorities take a "cut no slack" stance.
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