Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An American brain

My nephew is about 5 years old. He loves rasam, but not the mustard seeds used to temper the rasam. He would pick each one off if he got any on his plate saying he does not like the black balls.

One evening, his mom made rasam tempered with mustard and cumin but the tempering burnt a little. She tried to pick off the mustard seeds before serving her son. But he managed to find one, which he picked off... So mommy asks, "oh you got a black ball"? to which he replied.. "no mommy, I got a black football!". oh the joys of raising children in USofA.
--as narrated to me by my sister.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spend the penny, forgo the pounds

We were talking about something my 15 year old used to do as a child.. dashing around the house or some such.. when he wistfully says "yeah, those were good times, we were rich then".

I was rather stunned to hear that statement. We now make more than we did 12 years ago, have a bigger house (yeah bigger mortgage); all indicators of "richness". But I always thought kids can say the darnedest of things but they were also usually dead center.

Then I felt really bad.. In getting a bigger house, education, better vacation, maybe we've lost sight of the richness of life.

I picked him up a few days later from something, when he wanted to stop at Rita's the local ice cream place. I happily took him.. did not protest when he got a large with whipped cream. I even brought back ice creams for everyone else at home.

Then later on in the week, I took my older one to giant, our local grocery.. bought him food he wanted, let him pick out his dinner from the salad bar dismissing the voice saying I can easily fix it at home for a fraction of the cost. I did not look for sale signs or for nutrition values. He was so happy and the bill was a much easier burden to bear than the guilt I was facing earlier.

Simple pleasures are all children need, not expensive vacation, cars or homes. I know college expenses are looming ahead, but we will manage. Meanwhile, when the weather gets warm and the ice cream truck comes by, I will happily buy my children the unhealthy-overpriced ice cream for simple pleasures.