Saturday, November 3, 2007

Spending quality time with children

I recently met a young mother on the metro. We got talking. She was lamenting on her long commute and her inability to spend time with her child. As a mohter of slightly older children, I've been there, done that! I get home quite late and my 4th grader does not start on homework before I get home. So I always stressed about not being able to spend time with him after I get home.
Here are some techniques that work for us.
1.Simplify esp. if I am tired - kids do not care if they eat rice and rasam or spagetti. They don't want to see an over-tired mother either.
2.On days I decide to cook, I use the time to get my younger one organized near me. Great time to help him with homework, while chopping or stirring. After the work is done, good to get the child to help with small stuff. Great opportunity for some kitchen rapport. I talk to my 7th grader about his day during this time also. Just ask a few questions and listen without commenting (hard part really).
3.After dinner is put away, make some time to play a game with the kids -at least on Fridays and Saturdays.
4.Another opportunity to talk is when driving kids to lessons or sports esp when only one is going. It's amazing how much my children enjoy this time!

What are some other techniques that work for you?

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