Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Nuggets of advice from a mother to her child.. a life's lesson maybe.
Why now?
Just as food is most appreciated when one is hungry, some words make sense at certain points in life..
For whom?
These words cannot be appreciated by my children at this point in life.. but hopefully someone , somewhere may benefit.. and maybe one day my children will read these words.
So here goes..

One can only really control what one does. It is foolish to think one can control others. Even if you succeed, you may have won the battle, but lost the war.

There are a lot of unhappy people waiting for change in others or hoping to change others. My take would be to evaluate a situation on what you can do, accept what you have no control over or take action to situate yourself to what is comfortable for you. The world can use one less whiner.. (believe me, I'm one of those some days :)).

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