Sunday, August 3, 2008


Another favorite subject at our house with my older son.. Started a few years ago with comments like "Only 7 more years before I drive".. "When can I sit in the front seat.. on the driver's side?" "Can I drive in the school parking lot on weekends?" (the last when he was still in elementary school).
Another one: "Do I have a say in what kind of car we get? After all I'm going to be inheriting it!" (Yeah!!)
Recently one warm summer day -I'd volunteered to help out at the swim team banquet.. went in earlier to drop off my cooler -ended up staying to help - rushing home to get the kids and grandma to the banquet .. to get back in time to my duties I'd signed up for.
When we got to the car, grandma realizes she left something at home and had to go back.. when my 13 year old piped up..
Amma, you are late - you go on in.. I'll take paati home.
It was tempting, but I realized it'd be a long walk esp for grandma.. so I go.. "you can't walk there with paati, and back"..
for which he replies.. "No, I'll just drive home and be back in a few minutes".. just like that!
Another gentleman had just pulled up beside us and he started laughing when he heard my son's words.
I was confused thinking I should let the gentleman know that I don't, never would, let my 13 year old drive and also trying to come up with a suitably acid response to my son's "matter-of-fact" tone.
I managed to come up with a weak "Nice Try"!! guiltily...

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