Wednesday, December 19, 2007

bathroom reader

Kids! why do I always feel guilty?
This one is about a book worm.. I know I was one of those growing up and a sleepy head to boot. My mom poured a kodum of water on my head one morning.. really! I guess I drove her to it!

my dear husband is another book worm. So, I guess the kids are genetically inclined. But, my genes seem to have changed. The younger one loves to sleep and read (laughing out aloud to himself). But he has so little time to complete homework, practice violin and do his kumon that the school mandated 20 minute reading a day to complete his writing exercise does not let him enjoy the book.
And he shuts himself in the bathroom and reads! This morning he was in bathroom for over an hour reading. Came out just in time to leave for school. He knew he didn't have time for breakfast and, so he says "I'm not hungry, let's leave"! And sure enough, his book is hidden in his laundry basket.. One is also found among the bag of spare toilet paper rolls!!
I can almost hear others say "That's a good thing! Let him read!" I know there are worse things to complain about and I feel guilty.. but I also bar him from checking out too many books from the library because "he will read every one of them"! Hmmpt!


padmajav said...

I can sympathise with him... Now with my own toddler behind me all the time, it seems the only place I can read a book peacefully is the bathroom!!! (Even that peace is shattered if I take too long. He bangs on the bathroom door!)

Sujatha said...

Me too! As a kid I used to love to lock myself in the bathroom and read... because I didn't want to get interrupted by mom giving me a chore to do. My kids are stuck on the 20 minute reading rule... they are only supposed to read for 20 minutes. Gee I hate that rule. I agree with you, it is not enough time to get into a book.